Sunday, July 11, 2010


you may have missed the fact that lebron james left cleveland. you may not even care. here are my observations about lebron's announcement.

  1. lebron, like wade and bosh, was tired of being a very good player on a mediocre team. that is why they hatched this plan.
  2. the comparisons to jordan, magic or bird are unfair. all had players surrounding them.
  3. i am not piling on cleveland, but really, cleveland or south beach? not a hard decision.
  4. lebron, wade and bosh are good friends. now they have the opportunity to play together. When james came into the NBA, he was a highlight reel of dunks and drives, but he was also a gifted passer. having someone to pass to will only help that stand out.
  5. who would want to go to cleveland now after the scorched earth announcement by dan gilbert?
with all of this said, i still will not watch the nba.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

how i see it

i will do these very infrequently. i have never done this before. i live in southern ga, which is pretty much northern jacksonville. i watch a lot of sports. i watch a lot of television. i watch a lot of movies, i don't capitalize. i think you get the point.

i will create entries on what i think on things. i don't give a shit what you think. you can tell me your opinion and i will invite a conversation. if you bring the "you are a moron" defense, i will ignore you. if i can't ignore you, i will make fun of you. i will stay on topic.

i will start shortly, with my take on lebron james.

wait for it.